Waffley Versatile

Jumping on the blogging bandwagon. Sorry.

Tales of the unexpected April 14, 2009

Filed under: Day to day — keca @ 9:41 pm
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Another blog post, another waffle…



I realised just now that if you run up a set of stairs whilst still treading on every step, you really don’t make it up them a whole lot quicker than if you walk. Clearly to increase speed a multiple-steps-at-a-time approach is needed.


There’s no deep philosophical point to that by the way, and I’m not about to draw a theological parallel. I really was just running up the stairs!


It’s been an interesting week or so for this waffler. It was my birthday last Tuesday, and I’ll be honest it didn’t go quite the way I had imagined. I woke up feeling chirpy and went to work, taking American pancakes in for my colleagues in celebration of my continued existence on the planet. I felt pretty optimistic and was looking forward to the rest of the day. I returned home a few hours later completely shell-shocked from the news that my entire department will soon be made redundant.




It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster since then. I mean, there are far worse things that could have happened. A job is just a job, and above all I know that God has my back and I don’t need to be afraid. Yet that sense of perspective seems to come and go with amazing rapidity!  I’ll be fine one minute, and the next I get this feeling of overwhelming anxiety. Just adjusting my mindset to job hunting is taking some doing. I don’t want to look for another job, I really like the one I have! But it’s not exactly optional. So I’m trying to pull myself together, or more accurately I’m asking God to pull me back together, and help me focus on what’s in front of me. I need to remember how he has looked after me in the past, and not doubt that he has my future under control.


“Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.”    Psalm 16 v 1


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